Feel Better With Osteopathy

Back Pain

Back pain affects over 80% of the population at some time in their lives. If you have not had back pain so far, congratulations! Most back pain is annoying but temporary, usually it lasts a few weeks, rarely is it a sign of something sinister. If your pain has gone on too long, or you would like help reducing the affect it has on your life, get in touch.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is very common, sometimes it comes from something that happened, like a car accident, often people wake up in agony and can’t move their neck, without any reason. Neck issues can be the cause of some headaches and can even give symptoms down the arms and into the shoulder blade.

If this is you get in touch to see if I can help.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulders are complicated.  The shoulder blade and arm are attached to the rest of the body by a system of muscles and a strut (the collar bone). A problem in one area can affect how this beautiful arrangement operates. Then we end up not being able to reach above our head or do up a bra. Sometimes simple things like putting on a coat can become a problem. I love shoulders and would like to help you with your shoulder problem. Get in touch.

Joint Pain

Altough osteopaths are often associated with backs, we can have an effect on pain in other joints. I have helped people with their knees, feet, hands and elbows. Most of the people I’ve treated with tennis elbow don’t play tennis. Most of the people I see with golfers elbow play golf. It might not be your age.  Don’t continue to suffer, give osteopathy a try.

Michael, thanks again for seeing me at short notice yesterday. I did the exercises and had a much better night’s sleep and woke up this morning feeling like a new woman! Lissette. (67)

My back is so much better. I can’t thank you enough for helping me get better. You are not only a fab osteopath but you were also so easy to talk to with a wealth of knowledge answering my thousands of questions. I’m hoping never to see you again!! No offence but I’m sure you’ll understand lol. I won’t hesitate to book an appointment to see you again if I have any future issues and I’ve already been recommending you to everyone who asks about my back. Sarah (53)

Thank you for all your help in getting me back on my feet. The exercises have really helped. Lesley (74)

I've seen many chiropractors and therapists over the years but your treatments have been the most effective. Paul (35)